Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to tackle dengue, zika, malaria-causing mosquitoes the organic way....

Disease-causing mosquitoes are expanding their range..
not a good sign for humanity...
Zika, dengue, malaria, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, chikungunya....
Fumigation with hazardous chemicals is another danger to human health...for the chemicals are carcinogens...
From Metro city Delhi to non-descript village, no place is immune to these nasty bugs...
People should be aware of the risk and educate others as fault of your neighbor can bring calamity on you....I mean sedentary water in neighbor's yard can breed mosquito, which can bite others...
Get rid of  brambles, bushes.....
Decant any standing water...
Install screens in windows and doors..
Don't through garbage in the open...
Cover the drains..
Wear full clothes and use bed nets...

For coils, repellent creams, insecticide-drenched clothes, chemical fumigation are dangerous for health..

Now I understand why my parents used to put bunch of neem leaves  and sal-tree resins (jhuna) on hot embers to drive away the flies...

Also, old folks know the use of karanj tree (Pongamia pinnata) oil as mosquito repellent...
The smell was pleasant......and they were side effects..
I wish people to realize the value of organic life.....yeah, its not a cliche..
We have evolved in nature, in the woods like all, nature heals us the best..

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